Trellis Over a Deck, The Best Option
It is excellent idea to make trellis over a deck, because it gives protection from wet ground or rain water in rainy season. This trellis over a deck is great to give stunning look of trellis. You can make deck according to the size of the trellis, which you are going to make over the deck. Then complete trellis around the deck on all its sides, which gives you look of deserted place or covered area to sit there in idle time and spend your spare time there. Through the trellis with sparsely design, you can look around in the garden and can also grow plants and flowers to grow there and spread over the trellis to give stunning look of trellis. The people, who want to sit in the open sun at day time, trellis over a deck is best option to sit and enjoy with tea or coffee with friends and family.